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Two big book sales happening now...

Updated: May 14, 2023

Two book promotions are happening right now that I'm a part of, so I wanted to give everyone a head's up on here ~



First sale is the URBAN FANTASY SPARKLING SALE, featuring all urban fantasy titles - most of them free! And it's only going on for 2 days so if you're looking to beef up your kindle, then you should check it out now!

My title NEW YORK (Allie's War Early Years) is on there, along with a bunch of other titles by bestselling authors.

...for the full list of titles, or click the graphic below




The second promotion is for Kindle Unlimited titles, called URBAN FANTASY: READ IT FREE IN KU, and is going on for a whole week. It's a curated list of urban fantasty titles currently being offered in Amazon's Kindle Unlimited subscription service.

I'm featuring THE MORPH (Gate Shifter #1) in this promotion, so if you haven't checked out that series yet and you're a member of Kindle Unlimited, now's a good time to grab a copy!

...for the full list of titles, or click on the graphic below!

Hope you're able to find some great new authors and reads in either or both of the promotions! The one on top is only going on until the end of the 27th (Saturday), so be sure and check that one out if you're looking for new bargain UF titles!

Best wishes,

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