JOIN MY Review Team!
What does the Review Team do?
Members of the team review titles by JC Andrijeski in exchange for free review copies. These could be backlist titles, new releases, or "coming soon!" titles.
What are you agreeing to by joining?
NOTE: I can't guarantee a spot for everyone. An admin will be running the group, but social media profiles will be checked to make sure you're real, and failure to provide a full name means we can't add you.
1. Guidelines for being a reviewer will be enforced. The admin of the group has final say on who does and does not remain a member of the group. Please don't contact the author about this, as JC won't be running the group and is giving discretion of this process over to the admin.
2. Please only sign up if you're a fan of the genre(s) being offered. If you do not like paranormal books, books about psychics, alternate dimensions, fated mates, sci-fi, urban fantasy, romance, erotic, first person, multiple points of view, etc., etc., then please don’t sign up to be a reviewer. Spots are limited, and it's not very useful when people are reviewing a genre or type of book vs. an individual book.
3. As always, honest reviews ONLY.
4. Members are not required to review every book offered for review, but may lose their spot on the review team if they refuse the majority of books, or do not review at all over a certain period of time (time period will vary depending on how many books are offered).
5. Once an ebook is requested and sent to a review team member, the member has up to 3 weeks to read, review and post the review to either/and/or Amazon, Goodreads, Apple/iBooks, Kobo or Barnes & Noble.
6. Members are required to submit the link(s) to their posted review for every book they request to review. If they don't, they can't remain in the group.
7. Ebooks are available in MOBI or EPUB formats only (via Bookfunnel, which makes it easy to download books, no matter what device you use). Members are responsible for loading files onto their reading device. Ebooks sent with embedded information to prevent copyright infringement and piracy.
8. You must be 18 years or older to join.
9. No regional restrictions apply. The group is open to readers from any part of the world. Readers from outside the US are encouraged to join!
Rebel Review Team
***JC Andrijeski’s books are DMCA Enforced. Pirating books and other creative works is against the law (and extremely uncool to authors!!)***