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Updated: Nov 3, 2021


Announcement to all of my reader friends ~ I'm launching a full-blown Halloween giveaway this year (in addition to some free books), and it's kicking off today! :)

I got some feedback from readers, and the consensus seemed to be to keep things simple. So I went with a signed paperback as the main prize, and any one of my ebooks as an additional prize, and then two different mugs (see below), one for my Quentin Black series and one for Bridge & Sword.

I figure the easiest way to pick winners for each it is to pull names from a random generator, and give people their pick of remaining prizes in the order they get chosen.

So the first name I pull gets first choice, the second gets second choice, and so on until all the prizes are gone.

Entering the contest should be easy enough. For example, everyone already on my newsletter gets the "join my newsletter one" as a freebie, so they can click that one as completed and simply give me their email for verification. There are other ways to generate points too, and some you can do every day for extra chances to win.

I'll do the drawing itself on Halloween day, and I might even throw in a few extra surprises then, too. :)

Enter the giveaway below, or click the graphic above to join!

And have fun! I hope you enjoy playing!



Like I said above, in addition to a signed paperback (the exact book is winner's choice!), and an ebook (also winner's choice!), I'm giving away two mugs, and (probably) a few surprise gifts. :)

Here's the QUENTIN BLACK mug! It's a 15oz mug with a black interior and handle, + full cover art spread for my upcoming book, BLACK IS MAGIC (Quentin Black Mystery #14). It also includes the eagle symbol with "Black Securities & Investigations" written below. :)

The BRIDGE & SWORD mug is slightly bigger (20 oz instead of 15 oz - the larger size just suited the graphics better), and is centered on ALLIE & REVIK at the beginning and the end of the series, as well as one of them fighting together. It has THE GUARDIAN cover spread, where they first meet as adults, plus the cover for SUN, the final book, and the box set cover, which is my own personal favorite, in terms of graphics depicting the two of them together. :)

The BONUS MUG is the same size as the BRIDGE & SWORD mug (20 oz), and has the artwork from four of my favorite covers, each from a different series. It has cover art from I, ANGEL (Angels in L.A. #1), the BRIDGE & SWORD COLLECTION (Books #1-3 plus New York), BLACK TO DUST (Quentin Black Mystery #7), and THE PRESCIENT (Vampire Detective Midnight #3)


Last few last things: a reminder that I have TWO new books right now: BLACK OF WING (Quentin Black Mystery #14), and DARK GODS (Light & Shadow #3).

I also have three new book sales listed below, and next week LORD OF LIGHT (Light & Shadow #4) will be live!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far, and is enjoying a little pre-Halloween festivity and cheer this October!

Lots of love and light from me ~

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